Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nice Work Johnny

Well it looks like Little Johnny has joined to hip kids and is posting videos on Youtube. It can be seen right here

But quite frankly I don't want to hear another person talk about global warming and climate change withour following it with the sentence "occurs naturally on our planet'".

How long can the media sensationalize the whole affair?? Ask anybody with a geological background and they can tell you that the conditions of our planet have been forever changing. Jumping from worldwide glacial condtions to periods with searing heat and high sea levels.

And guess what kids?? All these periods and changes were happening long before the human race was even a sparkle in the eye of a single celled organism.

I would be more than happy to ramble on about this, and bring up statistic after statistic proving my point. But sadly i think most people have been too greatly effected by the media to even begin to see reason.

1 comment:

-suitepotato- said...

Global warming is just another tool for those with the means to seize power to justify it which does not mean justify in the classical moral or ethical sense but distract the dim-witted populace with it.

Which is why the blog world must continue to be joined by those of us who see the truth, that science has become an odious mix of religion and politics to be used against the general interests of the human race as an aid towards aggrandizement of the power hungry.

This in the end can only draw the very act of intellectual query and investigation into disrepute and further the idea that to be dumb is cooler than otherwise.